If you are looking for the truly healthy anti-aging procedure to rejuvenate your face and neck and reduce wrinkles and sagging, Mei Zen Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is for you. You can look younger, more radiant and energetic without surgery, neurotoxin and filler injections. Lola Fox-Rabinovich, L.Ac. is certified in Mei Zen facial rejuvenation acupuncture, which is considered the gold standard for cosmetic acupuncture. The treatment includes both face and body points. Face and neck points are needled to stimulate blood flow and create micro-trauma that in turns stimulates collagen and elastin production. Body and head points are included to ensure optimal anti-aging effect that is reflected in skin tone, complexion and elasticity.
The entire protocol takes 5 weeks with 2 visits per week.
Even one session can produce an immediate effect of more radiant complexion and plumper skin. It takes time and a full course of treatments to achieve the full of effect to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and lift sagging jowls. The results will be less dramatic than a facelift and most people who know you will probably notice that you look amazing though. Patients who complete the 10-treatment course also experience improved sleep, energy levels, and a better immune system. Both men and women can benefit from facial rejuvenation acupuncture.
For your first appointment expect to be here for 2 hours. During this visit, we will do an intake process to get to know you by asking several questions. This intake process allows us to make our best Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis and to begin a treatment plan designed for you. After the intake will begin your treatment. Once the needle placement is done you will rest peacefully in our calm and serene rooms for approximately 30 minutes. Then we will come and remove the needles and start a mini facial massage with the official Mei Zen Skin revitalizing serum (that is also available for purchase along with a whole line of holistic skin care products). Post-treatment you’ll be feeling energized and ready to put your best face forward!
The younger you are the easier it is to prevent and turn around the effects of skin aging. Even if you don’t have any wrinkles yet, your collagen and elastic production may have started to decline. If you are already noticing wrinkles and sagging, your dermis is thinning, and it is best to start reversing this process as soon as possible. Around/after menopause hormonal changes lead to even more loss of collagen and elastin, yet with facial acupuncture it is quite possible to achieve dramatic results.
We highly recommend that you maintain your results with maintenance appointments every quarter. This way your results will last for 3-5 years.